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Week Four: Webinar

In this week’s webinar, Elizabeth Dalton discusses the UDL principle of Multiple Means of Action & Expression, and explores various apps and other resources that offer varied ways for students to demonstrate what they know and have learned.

Elizabeth Dalton is director of development and research for TechACCESS of Rhode Island and an independent education consultant. She has a PhD in education and post-doc credentials in UDL and is past-president of the Inclusive Learning Network.

Consider the following questions as you watch this video:


  • For students to become independent and goal-directed learners, they need learning experiences that facilitate students’ planning, goal-setting and strategic knowledge and skills.   What did you learn in the video, or elsewhere, that can help students to develop and grow in these areas?

  • Learners grow and thrive when personal choice in encouraged and offered.  How can the wide range of apps offer options for students re: how they express what they have learned?  Which app might you want to try right away to expand students’ expressive options?

  • To vary students’ response methods in your classroom or learning environment, are there tools and/or assistive technologies that you want to try?  How can you gain access to these tools, and what might your first steps be?

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