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Week Two: Reflection

Now that you've watched this week's webinar, think about the various questions below and post a comment about one or more of them, or ask your own question, in the Google+ community.  We will also discuss these in more detail in our Hangout and Twitter Chat. 


This week’s Essential Question: 


How can I use mobile devices and apps to motivate my students and enhance their ability to persist and become self-directed in their learning?


This week's Video Questions:


  • While behavior management techniques can help structure and organize the learning environment, it is “top-down” control. What do you do (or might you do) to build in more “bottom-up” self-control?

  • To what extent do you build options into your students’ learning opportunities that encourage self-reflection and self-assessment?

  • Which apps, resources, and/or strategies presented in the webinar might you want to try in your classroom or learning environment to help students to persist on tasks that are difficult and/or challenging?  Are there other things that could also help?

  • Do you students collaborate (solve a problem together) or cooperate (make something together)? Both are important but distinct activities. How do you teach collaboration in your classroom? What apps and tools do you use to support virtual collaboration?

  • The video discusses the idea of a growth mindset. Do you think your learners know whether they have a fixed or growth mindset? How important do you think understanding a growth/fixed mindset is for your learners?

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