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Supporting UDL in Education with Apps

A Small (Supported) Open Online Course offered by the Inclusive Learning Network of ISTE

The syllabus is also available as a Google doc.



Kendra Grant
Dr. Luis Pérez
Dr. Elizabeth Dalton
Course Website: (this is the official site)


Course Essential Question:

How can mobile apps be used effectively in instruction to support learner variability and Universal Design for Learning?


Course Expectations:

  • Participate via Course Website 

  • View Course Videos and other online materials

  • Communicate with Instructors through Open Office hours (Google Hangout), Twitter (#SOOC2015) and/or email

  • Weekly Tasks

    1. Explore the Essential questions and webinar questions and then post a reflection in the Google+ community.

    2. Choose/create, complete, and submit one Course Task associated with each Course Unit (Week) – 4 tasks in all

    3. Apply each week's Self-assessment Rubric to the design of your task, your task post and your comments on another participant's post

    4. Review and comment (in Google+ Community) on at least one task per Course Week submitted by a peer participant

  • Receive one Course Badge for each Week once above tasks (1-4) are completed and submitted.

  • Attend one or more Hangouts or Twitter Chats (#SOOC2015) offered during the 4 week course

  • Commit 3 hours of your applied learning time to the course per unit/week (minimum)

  • Receive Certificate of Course Completion if all 4 Course Units are successfully completed (12 hours PD equivalent).


Course Units

Week 1:


Topic: Introduction to UDL and Learner Variability

Essential Question (Self-Reflection): How do I plan/design a lesson that addresses learner variability and reduces barriers to learning for all students?

Activity: Review multimedia materials on website for Unit 1/Week 1

Assignment: Choose, complete and submit one task for Unit 1. Use Week 1 Rubric to guide content of post.

Peer Assessment: Review and comment on one task submitted by a peer. Use Week 1 Rubric to guide content of post.


Expected week’s time commitment = 3 hours


Week 2:


Topic: Multiple Means of Engagement and Apps

Essential Question (Self-Reflection): How can I use mobile devices and apps to motivate my students and enhance their ability to persist and become self-directed in their learning?

Activity: Review multimedia materials on website for Unit 2/Week 2. Use Week 2 Rubric to guide content of post.

Assignment: Choose, complete and submit one task for Unit 2. Use Week 2 Rubric to guide content of post.

Peer Assessment: Review and comment on one task submitted by a peer.


Expected week’s time commitment = 3 hours


Week 3:


Topic: Multiple Means of Representation and Apps

Essential Question (Self-Reflection): How do I use mobile devices and apps to provide multiple representations and make content accessible to all of my students?

Activity: Review multimedia materials on website for Unit 3/Week 3

Assignment: Choose, complete and submit one task for Unit 3. Use Week 3 Rubric to guide content of post.

Peer Assessment: Review and comment on one task submitted by a peer. Use Week 3 Rubric to guide content of post.


Expected week’s time commitment = 3 hours


Week 4:


Topic: Multiple Means of Action and Expression and Apps

Essential Question (Self-Reflection): How do I use mobile devices and apps to provide multiple opportunities for expression, practice and reflection for all of my students?

Activity: Review multimedia materials on website for Unit 4/Week 4. Use Week 4 Rubric to guide content of post.

Assignment: Choose, complete and submit one task for Unit 4. Use Week 4 Rubric to guide content of post.

Peer Assessment: Review and comment on one task submitted by a peer.


Expected week’s time commitment = 3 hours


Course Completion:

It is expected that most participants will complete this course by [date]. We would appreciate you completing a short survey of your experience at that time.


Digital badges will be awarded for each unit/week completed with a submitted unit task and task peer response.  Course participants who complete and submit four tasks (one task for each of the four Course Weeks, 1-4) will receive a Certificate of Course Completion from the Inclusive Learning Network of ISTE, verifying 12 hours of applied educational PD.

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