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Week Four: Reflection

Now that you've watched this week's webinar, think about the various questions below and post a comment about one or more of them, or ask your own question, in the Google+ community.  We will also discuss these in more detail in our Hangout and Twitter Chat.


This week’s Essential Question: 


How do I use mobile devices and apps to provide multiple opportunities for expression, practice and reflection for all of my students?


This week's Video Questions:


  • For students to become independent and goal-directed learners, they need learning experiences that facilitate students’ planning, goal-setting and strategic knowledge and skills.   What did you learn in the video, or elsewhere, that can help students to develop and grow in these areas?

  • Learners grow and thrive when personal choice in encouraged and offered.  How can the wide range of apps offer options for students re: how they express what they have learned?  Which app might you want to try right away to expand students’ expressive options?

  • To vary students’ response methods in your classroom or learning environment, are there tools and/or assistive technologies that you want to try?  How can you gain access to these tools, and what might your first steps be?

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