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Separate Goals

Universal Design for Learning makes the assumption that knowledge goals, related to the understanding of concepts, content and facts should, when possible, be separate from skill goals. Often goals are combined or the means of attaining the goal is linked to achieving it.


When we compound goals it is difficult to determine whether a student was unsuccessful because of lack of understanding or if they had difficulty with the means of expressing what they know or producing their answer. When possible separate the two types of goals. Provide options and choice in how students demonstrate understanding and let students choose.


However, there are times when students will need to write an essay or give a speech. In other words there is only one way for learners to show what they know. In these instances provide all learners with a variety of apps and online tools such as Inspiration MapsVoice Dream Reader, PaperPort Notes and Read&Write for Google Docs. These tools support the reading and writing process and help ensure all learners can successfully demonstrate what they know.


Example of Combined Goals:

The student will present a 3-minute speech on the importance of a national railway to Canada's development as a nation.

Image Description: Historic photo of men building a railway line.

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