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Market Opportunity

Market Opportunity:


As individual consultants, we have delivered PD to dozens of districts across North America and internationally. In addition, we have supported large-scale, long-term (1-3 year) technology and special eduction implementation for districts such as San Diego, Philadelphia and Toronto. Initially we will focus on districts, where we have contacts and understand the needs of the district, their teachers and student as well as funding and technology realitites. This ready market, where we are recognized and respected, is an advantage in our initial launch.


The market opportunity is large and we are in a unique position because funding can come from a variety of pockets.

Market Opporuntiy - SOOCs4Learning

There are two interconnected stable funding sources within the Professional Development market - Special Education and Technology.  Funding can come from federal and state teacher improvement funds.


In addition to the $1 billion the federal government sends annually to local districts, according to a national survey by the U.S. Department of Education, more federal money for on-the-job teacher training has poured into states and districts through the Race to the Top and School Improvement Grant programs. (Hechinger Report)


Special Education:


Funding: Inclusion and Universal Design for Learning are a strong focus for most districts. The funding generally comes from Title I, TItle II and IDEA.


District Needs: Due to legislation, parental pressure, the introduction of the Common Core State Standards, as well as a desire to support all learners, districts are looking for ways to help their teachers effectively teach all students. 


Our Advantage: In many ways the Special Education community is a small, tight-knit group, and all three co-founders are part of it. We have strong reputations in the field of special education, as well as many connections from school districts to higher education to businss, giving us access to high-level decision makers within the market.




Funding: Support for Technology is funded through federal grants. These are less stable that the above funding and change year to year. Many  Educational Technology Grants  are related to Special Education. In addition Microsoft and TeAchnology list many additional smaller grants for schools to access.


District Needs: With the increase in mobile, eLearning, BYOD, the technology references in the Common Core State Standards, the online assessment component of the standards, and pressure to address 21st century skills through technology, districts are looking for ways to help their teachers use technology effectively in their practice. Recent rollouts such as those in LA Unified highlight for many the need to plan the implementation beyond the device.


Our Advantage:  The three founders have experience in large-scale implementation, especially new initiatives in the area of Assistive and Instructional technology. We have worked with districts bringing together a variety of technology products including Apple, SMART, Promethean, and a variety of devices from iPads to laptops to interactive whiteboards

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